Modica makes the coolest wood and resin necklaces, circular in shape and unlike any other you will find. There is a great selection with different designs and colors! Cristina is currently away visiting family and restocking her inventory, but you can sign up for a return email is soon as she is available!
If you are looking for a beautiful artist that will add a wonderful edition to your room, go visit gretchenmist...she does beautiful drawings, paintings and collages like "snowed in" shown here...
Cosedolci is a new seller I came across looking through the gift guides! I adore how she combines felt with every day objects and makes them simply divine! Her circles embellished plate is great and a bargain at $20! If you are looking for a handmade, one of a kind and originally designed coffee table, check out michealarras's work...I am eyeing one of these tables now!!!
If you love the atomic era and need something to add a punch of color in a corner, or over a table, check out debmobiles! Her mobiles are available in lots of colors and are made of polymer and stainless steel wire. Lindasolovic offers prints from her original collages at a great price! I love the blooming buddies - wildflowers print, very organic modern and the color will inspire any nature lover...
Another newbie seller to me is baldmanmod - this mod mid century style table is beautifully handcrafted and has a walnut veneered finish...extremely swank!!!! Emmajo is an accomplished tapestry weaver and painter...the memory landscape features breathtaking colors as does her other works...
I have loved Tracy Melton of focuslineart since I discovered Etsy! Of course the tree rings series is just perfect...wonderfully intricate circles, again, my favorite, and are available in different sizes and colors. Great for groupings too! The ones shown here have apparently sold, but take a look at her others...
Pilotdesign features these mod wall clocks, like the red one shown here, made from a bamboo laminate - a great accent piece for any room!And finally, I love the tweed berry pillow from mogwaii! Made from pure wool and expertly sewn, it makes a great addition to spruce up your home accessories...Thank you to all the Etsy sellers who allowed me to share their work with you - please support them and the thousands of others who work hard to share their craft with us!