This home is my absolute favorite...and not because the owners are the folks who have IO Metro (one of my favorite places to shop!), but because I'm a modern design freak as you well know!
These exterior glass lights are fabulous...very unique and something to see up close as this picture does NOT do them justice!
This is a photo of Hillside Drive...and trust me, it's WAY steeper than it looks, lol...quite a hike for someone who is totally out of shape!
All the streetlights in Eden Isle are like the one depicted...Not great lighting at night, but definitely original and quaint!
And not to be morbid, but I guess I am...a reminder that animals that have been shot may wander for a while before dying...this one was laying in between where I was walking and the golf course...glad there were no kids around!
This is Stoneflower, a home designed by E. Fay Jones. It is absolutely awesome! The pic below is from the Stoneflower website where you can read more details about it, as well as view the photo gallery.
And last, but certainly not least...the Lake Ice Lakehouse...thanks for the use of it my dear friends DJ and Michele...what a great place to get away from it to head home...back to reality and a new year!