Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Family Get-Together...

for a great pot of Rick's Santa Fe Soup (Aunt Betsy originally gave us the fantastic recipe!) and to paint Christmas ornaments! It was quite fun and definitely entertaining!

Mom's are, of course, perfect - like the work she does in her birdnestontheground studio!

Lindsay (Ty's girlfriend) was so cute, just putting paint and glitter on the ornaments ninety to nothing, not worrying about a thing!

Then there was Ty - I'm not sure if he thought he was too cool to paint one, but he did - only one but at least he contributed and actually enjoyed - I think!

And last but not least, Dad - impatient as all get out and paint going everywhere except where he wanted it! It was absolutely hysterical! I don't think he'll take up painting on a regular basis any time soon, but he's sure to appease me from time to time!

Get together with your family for a night of food and a craft or game...we don't do this nearly enough...we made more memories and hope you will too...


Beth Macre said...

Hi Kelly! This is such a good idea to decorate glass ornaments with the family! I may have to borrow that idea for the glass ornaments that I bought!

kellyvanhook said...

Well thanks Beth!!! You feel free - it is quite fun!!! Ornaments are so costly...I had an addiction to buying a bunch every year until we started painting them! Now I don't buy as many except the glass ones so we can just have a ball with them! lol, Happy Holidays!